21 January 2013

Write Just a Little Bit

How do you make time to write? No, seriously. That wasn't some kind of thought provoking opening sentence, it was a plea for help. Remember when I posted about how awesome I was at making time to write? Even going so far as to bring my laptop to my best friend's wedding? Well things are different now. 

I'm the one getting married. I can't bring my lap top to that wedding.

So I'm neck deep in rsvps, construction paper (for my favors), and running around to a zillion appointments regarding this and that. In the midst of this I'm very happy and blessed to be in two other weddings and not so blessed to have been in a minor car accident.

So there ya go. I have no time (said the girl who knows she's just making excuses). I can't possibly write (said the girl who knows she could absolutely write even for just 15 minutes a day). Woe is me, I am just way too busy (said the girl who seems to think that every other writer has copious amounts of free time).

Ok I'm done yelling at myself. Let's have a little grace here, eh? This is a season where I can't write as much as I want to, but I can write a little bit. How about you? How do you make time for the things you love? And if you're not making time, what are your excuses? 

We may not always be able to pump out novels, but let's write just a little bit.  

(image from freedigitalphotos.net)


  1. Congratulations on getting married soon!! I have had trouble finding time to write over the past 3 days, and it's making me miserable. I usually write just before bed. I get all comfy with my laptop and type away while my family is sleeping.

    1. Thank you! Writing before bed while everyone is sleeping sounds nice & cozy!

  2. I got married last summer and was terrified of losing the momentum I had on my manuscript edit. For a while I tried to do both the wedding and the writing, (and working, shopping, cleaning, cooking, meetings, you know) but I was miserable and hating both the wedding and the writing. I finally gave up the writing because I didn't feel like I had much choice if the wedding was going to happen. I know how awful that sounds, but if you're just not doing well on anything because of everything, let it go. Set a date you will restart your writing and stick to it. I did the same thing over Christmas (gave myself a week off of writing because we were travelling) and it's hell on your conscious at first, but the stress you shed and the increased enjoyment you get from the wedding (hopefully you will only have one, after all!) made it the right choice for me. Both times when I went back to the writing, it was with renewed energy and enthusiasm. It might be worth a try for you too. Congratulations!

    1. Thank you! That's good advice. I'm not quite at that point, but I can easily see how people get there. I've shelved the novel revision until after the wedding just to make sure I don't go nuts :) I'd still like to work on other projects though...

  3. I think setting a date for restarting after the wedding is probably the best way of going about it.

    Congratulations on the impending nuptials!
